The Mahakumbh witnessed a stampede yesterday, during which many devotees were injured, and some even lost their lives. In response, the Uttar Pradesh government has ordered a judicial inquiry into the incident that occurred during the Mahakumbh. The stampede claimed 30 lives and left 60 others injured. CM Yogi announced financial assistance of Rs. 25 lakh each for the families of the deceased. A three-member judicial commission has been formed to investigate the incident, with former judge Harsh Kumar as the head, and retired DG VK Gupta and retired IAS officer DK Singh as members. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also expressed condolences for the victims, assuring continuous support from the UP government. After the stampede at the Mahakumbh yesterday, a no-vehicle zone has been declared in the Mahakumbh area. The government is fully focused on making the Mahakumbh area completely safe.