Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Monday wrote to Chief Election Commissioner Rajeev Kumar, alleging that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidates and workers are conducting registrations of women voters under a “so-called scheme” promising cash handouts, houses, and land rights. Atishi termed the act a serious violation of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) and called for immediate action from the Election Commission of India (ECI).
In her letter, Atishi stated, “I am writing to formally bring to your attention a serious violation of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) by BJP candidates and workers. They are conducting registrations of women for their so-called scheme in which they will distribute cash to women, and are also registering individuals for other promises involving giving houses and land rights. Carrying out such registrations during the enforcement of the MCC constitutes electoral malpractice and is a clear violation of the MCC guidelines.”
Delhi CM Atishi writes to the Chief Election Commissioner alleging that BJP Candidates are conducting registrations of women for their so-called scheme in which they will distribute cash to women and promise to give houses and land rights.
“These activities blatantly violate the…
— ANI (@ANI) January 27, 2025
She further cited ECI’s instructions dated 2 May 2024, which classify such actions as offences under Section 123(1) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. She provided details of alleged incidents in Patparganj, Matiala, and New Delhi, stating that BJP workers were collecting registration forms from women and conducting enrolments under the PM-Uday scheme and the Jahaan Jhuggi Wahaan Makaan initiative.
Calling these activities “blatant violations” of the MCC, Atishi demanded strict action, including the disqualification of BJP candidates involved. She also sought the suspension of officials in Patparganj, Dwarka, and Matiala for allowing the alleged irregularities. Additionally, she urged law enforcement agencies to take legal action against those engaged in the activities.
Emphasising the urgency of the matter, Atishi warned that if the ECI did not take action within 24 hours, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) would resume its own registration drives for the Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojana and Sanjeevani Yojana. “These violations threaten the integrity of our democratic process and must be addressed with urgency to maintain public trust in free and fair elections,” she asserted.
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Delhi Election: BJP Termed AAP Registerations As ‘Eyewash’
AAP had launched registrations for the Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojana last month, under which women would receive Rs 2,100 per month, and the Sanjeevani Yojana, which promises free healthcare for senior citizens. Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal and CM Atishi had initiated the registration drive at East Kidwai Nagar. The party said it cross-checked beneficiary lists with voter rolls, citing concerns over alleged voter deletions ahead of the 2025 Delhi Assembly elections.
The BJP’s Delhi unit dismissed AAP’s allegations, terming the registration drive an “eyewash”.
Under the Sanjeevani Yojana, AAP has promised free healthcare for citizens above 60 years of age in both private and public healthcare facilities.