The Bharatiya Janata Party on Friday released the first part of its manifesto for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. Women were kept at the centre of the poll pitch as the party promised Rs 2,500 monthly aid for them, Rs 21,000 for every pregnant woman, and LPG cylinders at subsidised rate of Rs 500. It also included Rs 2,500 pension for senior citizens.
The manifesto ‘Sankalp Patra’ was announced by BJP president J P Nadda at a press conference in Delhi, where he asserted the manifesto would serve as the foundation for a “developed Delhi”. However, the poll manifesto faced severe criticism from AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal, who called it a “copied” version of AAP’s manifesto and slammed it for having “no vision”.
Nadda further assured that all existing public welfare schemes in Delhi will continue even after the BJP is voted to power in the national capital. “The BJP’s resolution for a developed Delhi prioritises the empowerment of women and the welfare of senior citizens,” he said.
Hitting out at the AAP-led government, he said that all corruption charges in the public welfare schemes being run by Kejriwal’s party will be investigated.
He also promised that a BJP-led government will approve the implementation of the ‘Ayushman Bharat ‘ in the city in its first Cabinet meeting, besides giving additional health cover of Rs 5 lakh.
Nadda announced several pro-women measures such as Rs 2,500 monthly aid for them under ‘Mahila Samridhi Yojana’, which is more than AAP’s poll promise of Rs 2,100. Every pregnant woman has been promised a financial assistance of Rs 21,000 and six nutrition kits by the BJP.
Additionally, the saffron party has promised LPG cylinders at Rs 500 for the poor section. They will also be given one free cylinder on Holi and Diwali.
The BJP chief promised that senior citizens between the age of 60-70 will be given Rs 2,500 pension, while those older than 70, widows, and persons with disabilities will be given Rs 3,000.
What BJP Has Promised Women Across India
In Madhya Pradesh, BJP announced the ‘Ladli Behan Yojana’ in March, 2023, promising Rs 1,000 per month to the women of the state. In December 2023, it was raised to Rs 1,250 per month.
In Maharashtra, ahead of the Assembly election in November 2024, BJP launched the ‘Mukhyamantri Ladki Bahin’ scheme, providing Rs 1,500 monthly to eligible women. It also promised Rs 2,100 per month under the ‘Ladki Bahin’ scheme.
In Odisha, BJP’s manifesto included Rs 10,000 in two instalments of Rs 5,000 to women under the ‘Subhadra Yojana’. The party then went on to win the Assembly polls and formed a government.
Ahead of the Haryana polls in October 2024, BJP promised Rs 2,100 for women in its manifesto.
What BJP’s Manifesto Has For Delhi’s Healthcare
Nadda, in a bid to counter the AAP’s healthcare model, promised to implement ‘Ayushman Bharat’ scheme in Delhi, saying its papers will be signed by the BJP government in the first Cabinet meeting itself. He also promised the approval of an additional health cover of Rs 5 lakh.
“We have decided that after forming the government in Delhi, in the first cabinet, we will fully implement the Ayushman Bharat scheme in Delhi. And along with this, we will provide additional assistance of Rs 5 lakh from the Delhi government. That means, Delhi residents will get a total health cover of Rs 10 lakh under the Ayushman Bharat scheme,” Nadda said.
Citizens above 70 will be given free treatment of up to Rs 10 lakh and free OPD and diagnostic services.
Alleging corruption in the AAP’s mohalla clinics project, Nadda said the charges of wrongdoing would be probed if the BJP forms the government.
“AAP-DA’s’ mohalla clinics are a den of corruption and a programme to deceive people. There has been a scam of Rs 300 crore in these mohalla clinics. This will be investigated when our government is formed,” he said.
Nadda also highlighted the participatory approach followed while drafting the manifesto, saying that more than 1.08 lakh suggestions were collected from Delhi residents to draft it.
Meanwhile, the AAP-led Delhi government has implemented several welfare schemes including free bus travel for women, free electricity of up to 200 units, free water, and free pilgrimage for senior citizens among others.
Soon after BJP released its ‘Sankalp Patra’, Kejriwal said the saffron party has “copied” the AAP and announced several ‘revris’ in its poll manifesto, despite PM Modi disapproving of the “freebies” promised by his party.
The BJP, which has been out of power since 1998, is focused on dethroning the Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party in the national capital. Voting for the 70-member Delhi Assembly will be held on February 5 and the results will be announced on February 8.