The return of Virat Kohli to domestic cricket after 12 years has triggered a series of interesting steps from the administrators and broadcasters. The state association has thrown the game open for free entry to the public, with the only caveat that the fans should bring in their Aadhar card. The broadcasters Jio Cinema, who weren’t originally scheduled to broadcast the game live, are now making arrangements for live telecast.
Bring Aadhar card
The Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) secretary Ashok Kumar Sharma is expecting a crowd of at least 10,000 on the first day. “The Gautam Gambhir Stand will be open for the spectators. The fans can enter from Gate No 16 and 17. Gate No 6 will also be open for the DDCA members and guests. We are expecting a 10,000 crowd for the first day,” Sharma told The Indian Express.
“It’s a free entry. The fans just need to bring their original copy of their Aadhaar card and its photocopy as well. The arrangements for the fans has been made. It will be like any international or an IPL match,” Sharma added.
Live telecast
The producers from Jio Cinema were fixing their equipment for the match on Wednesday.
“The kind of interest we had for the Mumbai vs J&K match, where Rohit Sharma and Yashasvi Jaiswal played was insane. With Virat Kohli playing in Delhi, we are expecting the same amount of attraction from this match as well. This is completely our prerogative. We took the call the moment Virat made himself available for the match,” a Jio official tells The Indian Express.
Extra security
The DDCA secretary also said that they have requested the Delhi Police to beef up security.
“This is not a normal Ranji Trophy match. Apna Cheeku (Kohli’s nickname) khel raha hai (Our Cheeku is playing). We have requested the Delhi Police to help us with more extra police force for the next four days. We’ll also have our own private security as well,” he said.
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When asked if the DDCA are planning to felicitate Kohli before the match, the secretary said: “This is not his last match. There is no such plan.”
How to reach Arun Jaitley Stadium?
The best way to reach the stadium is via metro. The nearest metro station to the Arun Jaitley Stadium is Delhi Gate (Violet line). Gate No 5 is not even literally 100 metres away from Gate No 16 and 17, which will be open for the spectators.
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