On the fifth day of Mahakumbh 2025, a significant decision by influencer Harsha Richhariya has stirred controversy. Harsha, who had been actively participating in the event, announced her departure through an emotional video posted on Instagram. In the video, she tearfully addressed allegations and criticism from certain saints, accusing them of hindering her journey to understand the essence of Sanatan Dharma. Harsha expressed her dismay, stating that such actions contradict the sanctity of the Mahakumbh, which symbolizes faith, understanding, and unity.Mahakumbh, a massive congregation expected to draw 40 crore devotees by February 26, has already witnessed over 7 crore people bathing in the holy Sangam. While the event continues to attract millions, Harsha’s departure and her bold remarks against the saints have added an unexpected layer of drama to the otherwise spiritual atmosphere. Her statements have sparked widespread discussion about the coexistence of traditional beliefs and modern interpretations at the divine gathering.