Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was attacked in his home early Thursday morning, is now recovering in the hospital. The assailant, who broke into Saif’s house, attacked him with a knife. Despite being injured, Saif managed to make his way to the hospital on his own. The Mumbai Police have arrested the attacker, identified as Mohammad Shehzad, a 30-year-old man suspected to be from Bangladesh. He did not have any Indian identification documents and had concealed his identity by changing his name. Shehzad had moved to Mumbai only 5-6 months ago and worked in housekeeping. He claimed that he did not know the residence belonged to Saif Ali Khan and had entered with the intent to rob. The attacker navigated through the building, finding his way to Saif’s home. During interrogation, some important questions remain unanswered, including why Saif’s home was specifically targeted and whether there were others involved. The actor suffered six stab wounds, with one penetrating his spine, leading to surgery. Saif is now stable and recovering.