Jammu and Kashmir’s Srinagar observed the Muharram processions for the second consecutive year on Monday, while in Bihar’s Nawada, the waving of Palestinian flags led to the arrest of three individuals. Officials reported that the Shia community of Kashmir peacefully conducted the procession along the traditional Guru Bazar-Dalgate route, as per news agency PTI. Some mourners carried Palestinian flags and called for an end to violence in Palestine. The procession had been banned after the rise of militancy in Kashmir due to fears that separatists might exploit the gathering.
According to PTI, the Monday procession started early from the Guru Bazar area, passed through Jehangir Chowk and Maulana Azad Road, and ended at Dalgate. Thousands of mourners gathered at Guru Bazar at 5:30 am, as authorities had granted a limited time for the procession to avoid disrupting daily life.
ALSO READ | Understanding Muharram: Significance, History, And Traditions Of The Islamic New Year
Muharram 2024: 3 People Arrested For Waving Palestinian Flag During Unauthorised Procession In Bihar’s Nawada
In Bihar’s Nawada, police apprehended 3 people for waving a Palestinian flag during a Sunday procession ahead of Muharram.
Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO), Pakribarawan, Mahesh Choudhary stated that an investigation had been launched into the incident which took place in the district’s Dhamaul area. “An investigation was immediately launched. On the basis of the investigation carried out by the local police, three persons were arrested on the charge of waving a Palestinian flag during the procession,” the SDPO said, PTI reported.
The procession had been unauthorised, and the flag was confiscated. Similarly, 2 people were booked on July 13 for waving a Palestinian flag during a procession in Darbhanga district, he also said.
UP Police Place Leaders Under House Arrest Over Attempt To Arrange ‘Bhandara’
In Uttar Pradesh, police placed Uday Pratap Singh, the father of Jansatta Dal (Loktantrik) president and Kunda MLA Raghuraj Pratap Singh, under house arrest to avoid any trouble. Uday Pratap Singh, known as ‘Raja Saheb,’ is the titular head of the former princely state of Bhadri. His son, also called ‘Raja Bhaiya,’ is a seven-time MLA from Kunda.
Authorities said that almost a dozen of Uday Pratap’s supporters were also placed under house arrest. Their 68-hour house arrest is set to expire at 9 p.m. on July 17.
According to Ajeet Singh, the Kunda Circle Officer, Uday Pratap, and his supporters attempt to arrange a “bhandara” (community feast) annually to commemorate the death of a monkey that perished ten years prior on the Muharram procession (Tazia) route in the Sheikhpur Aashiq area, PTI reported.
The sub-divisional magistrate Bharat Ram and district magistrate Sanjeev Ranjan have ordered notices to be placed at the main gate of Uday Pratap’s residence, “Bhadri Kothi,” as a precaution, the CO said. Police have also been positioned at the residences of all those people who are under house arrest, he said.