At the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, a unique pandal named “Shaheed Gram” has been set up at Sector 18, which honors the Indian soldiers who protect the country’s borders. As soon as visitors enter the pandal, they are filled with a strong sense of patriotism. The entrance is decorated with pictures of Indian Army soldiers, and instead of devotional songs, patriotic music plays throughout the day. A huge 100-foot national flag proudly waves in the pandal, symbolizing respect for the country.The pandal also holds special programs, including yagnas and prayer ceremonies, with 188 priests from Varanasi (Kashi) coming to pray for the peace of the martyrs’ souls. An exhibition dedicated to the martyrs has been set up, offering detailed information about their sacrifices.This initiative by Balak Yogeshwar Das Ji Maharaj, who hails from Jammu and Kashmir, has become a major attraction at the Kumbh. It is not just a tribute to the martyrs but also serves as a source of inspiration, especially for the youth, encouraging them to feel proud and patriotic. The pandal is a powerful reminder of the importance of honoring the nation’s heroes and staying dedicated to the country.