Kanker Naxal Encounter: Maharashtra’s Special Force C-60 commandos killed 12 Naxalites in the police-Naxalite encounter that took place on the border of Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra on Wednesday. Although the slain Naxalites have not been identified yet, the soldiers have recovered 7 automatic weapons from the spot. Among these, the soldiers have recovered three AK-47s, two INSAS and one carbine as well as one SLR. Apart from this, a large quantity of explosives and daily items of Naxalites have also been recovered from the spot. At the same time, in this encounter, Sub Inspector Satish Patil of C-60 Commando was shot in his left shoulder, due to which he was badly injured. He has been taken to Banda Camp in Gadchiroli, Maharashtra with the help of helicopter from the police camp in Kanker district. At present, the life of the soldier is said to be out of danger.