The Bihar School Examination Board, BSEB, organised the ‘Medha Diwas 2024’ at Gyan Bhawan, Samrat Ashok Convention Center, Patna on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. The event was attended by Education Minister Sunil Kumar who was the chief guest, along with BSEB Chairman Anand Kishore, and Education Department Secretary Vaidyanath Yadav.
During the program, toppers of Intermediate and Matriculation Annual Examination, 2024 were awarded by the education minister and the BSEB chairman.
The awardees included 51 students who secured the first 10 positions in matriculation, and 24 students who secured the first 5 positions in the three divisions of intermediate section, namely commerce, arts, and science.
The BSEB awarded ₹1 lakh to students securing first position in the Matriculation and Intermediate Annual Examination, 2024, ₹75 thousand to students securing second position, and ₹50 thousand to those who bagged the third position.
Additionally, ₹10 thousand each was given to the students securing fourth to tenth position in the matric exams, and ₹15 thousand to students securing fourth and fifth position in the intermediate exams. The awardees were given laptops, certificates, and medals.
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Furthermore, 10 districts of the state were awarded for their significant efforts in the conduct of the board examinations. These districts include Bhojpur, East Champaran, Darbhanga, Gaya, Madhubani, Muzaffarpur, Nalanda, Patna, Purnia and Vaishali.
Addressing the gathering on the occasion, Sunil Kumar congratulated all the meritorious students and urged them to keep climbing the ladder of success in the future, and at the same time, fulfill their duties to be better citizens of the country.
The education minister also lauded the BSEB for the qualitative improvements.
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BSEB Chairman Anand Kishore, in his address, congratulated the meritorious students and said they have achieved the feat on the strength of their hard work, diligence, and perseverance.
The chairman highlighted the sequence of qualitative improvements being done by the BSEB, adding that many new dimensions have been established in the last year and several works are being done that has resulted to be fruitful state’s examination and education doctrine.
Speaking on some of the initiatives taken by the BSEB, Kishore informed that the several important examinations are being conducted at the newly inaugurated Bapu Examination Complex. Apart from this, the board is also carrying out free residential coaching in Patna and non-residential coaching in 9 divisional headquarters and districts of the state for the preparation of competitive examinations such as JEE,NEET, and more, thereby benefitting students.
Meanwhile, as part of the occasion, Sujan Pal Singh, CEO of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Center in New Delhi, delivered the Dr. Rajendra Prasad Memorial Lecture. In his address, Singh also lauded the meritorious students and shared valuable tips to be successful in life.
The programme ended on a cultural note with presentations by students of various schools in Patna. For instance, the students of Bankipur Government Girls High School gave a presentation on the topic ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’, whereas the students of Government Girls High School, Gulzarbagh gave a presentation on ‘various dimensions of women’s education and empowerment’.