Saif Ali Khan News: The Mumbai Police on Friday clarified that no individual linked to the case involving actor Saif Ali Khan has been detained so far. Earlier reports suggested that one person was brought to the Bandra Police Station for questioning, but the police have ruled out this possibility, stating that the individual is not connected to the assault case.
Meanwhile, Maharashtra’s Junior Minister for Home (Urban), Yogesh Kadam, dismissed claims of gang involvement in the incident. “It was an attempt of theft only, and there is no gang involved in this incident. Police are further probing the case,” the minister said, as quoted by news agency ANI. He further clarified that Saif Ali Khan never requested any security and reiterated that the accused had entered the actor’s house with the intent of theft. “A scuffle broke out between Saif Ali Khan and the suspect, in which the actor got injured,” he added.
Amid concerns regarding the actor’s well-being, Dr Nitin Dange from Lilavati Hospital confirmed on Friday that Khan was doing “extremely well” and was safe. He stated that the actor had been shifted out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), but his movements remained restricted.
Addressing the media, doctors who operated on Khan assured that he was out of danger and that there was no issue of paralysis. Dr Niraj Uttamani, who met the actor within the first hour of his injury, recalled, “He had blood all over. But he walked in like a lion with his young child. He is a real hero. He is doing well currently. His parameters have improved. He is being shifted from the ICU to a special room. We will keep visitors in check. We want him to rest.”
Dr Dange also noted that Khan has been advised to rest due to wounds on his back that could lead to infection. “Saif Ali Khan is fine and safe from any symptoms,” he added.
Earlier in the day, Mumbai Police reported that they have recovered a portion of the blade extracted from Khan’s back, while efforts to retrieve the remaining part are still ongoing. The police further stated that the alleged accused was last seen near Bandra railway station, and a search operation is underway to apprehend him. Investigators suspect that the suspect may have boarded the first local train in the morning and travelled towards Vasai-Virar. Police teams are currently conducting searches in Vasai, Nalasopara, and Virar areas.