In a shocking turn of events, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his Bandra residence in Mumbai early Thursday morning around 2:30 AM. An intruder entered the actor’s home, leading to an altercation with the house help. When Saif intervened, the assailant attacked him, leaving the actor injured. Saif is currently undergoing surgery at Leelavati Hospital for injuries to his neck, left hand, and back.Despite forming multiple investigation teams, the Mumbai police are still searching for the suspect. Three individuals working at Saif’s residence have been taken into custody for questioning. CCTV footage has captured the attacker, but no arrests have been made yet. According to sources, Saif was attacked with a sharp weapon, resulting in a 10 cm wound on his neck.The incident has left fans worried for the actor’s health, as police continue to intensify their efforts to find the attacker. Mumbai BJP leader Ram Kadam has emphasized the need for better security measures to prevent such incidents in the future.