BJP’s Indore district president Chintu Verma on Monday organisers of Navratri garba events to mandate attendees to sip gaumutra (cow urine) as a prerequisite for entry in a bid to prevent non-Hindus from entering garba pandals during the upcoming Navratri festival. The proposal, which Verma claims is rooted in Hindu customs, has been met with strong criticism from the Congress, who labelled it as a political polarisation tactic.
The BJP district president suggested that organisers enforce aachman with gaumutra before devotees are allowed to enter garba pandals, news agency PTI reported. Aachman refers to the act of taking a sip of water while reciting mantras for purification before performing religious rituals.
Chintu Verma highlighted the significance of this practice, stating, “The aachman practice has great significance in Sanatan culture. We have requested organisers to ensure devotees do aachman with cow urine before allowing them to enter garba pandals.”
“गरबा समितियां…पंडाल में आने वाले हर व्यक्ति को गौमूत्र पिलाए,”
इंदौर, बीजेपी जिला अध्यक्ष।
— काश/if Kakvi (@KashifKakvi) September 30, 2024
In the past, organisers in Indore have checked Aadhaar cards to allow entry into garba venues.
When questioned about the rationale behind this unusual request, Verma explained that the measure is intended to ensure that only Hindus partake in the garba festivities. “Sometimes, certain discussions arise when people join these events. An Aadhaar card can be edited. However, if a person is a Hindu, he will enter the Garba pandal only after aachman of cow urine, and there is no question of refusing it,” Verma reasoned.
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Madhya Pradesh Congress Accuses BJP Of ‘Polarisation Politics’, Throws Up A Challenge
The Congress, however, condemned the BJP leader’s proposal, accusing the saffron party of using the demand to fuel religious polarisation. Madhya Pradesh Congress spokesman Neelabh Shukla criticised BJP leaders for their silence on the condition of cow shelters and alleged that they were only interested in politicising the issue.
“Raising the cow urine aachman demand is the BJP’s new trick of playing polarisation politics,” Shukla stated. He further challenged BJP leaders to consume cow urine themselves before entering garba pandals and post videos of the act on social media to back their demands.
This controversy comes ahead of the upcoming Navratri festival, a significant religious celebration across India. Garba, a traditional dance, is an integral part of Navratri celebrations. Meanwhile, Indore Police have also stepped up their efforts to ensure safe festivities. Deputy Commissioner of Police Vinod Kumar Meena stated that patrolling would be conducted around garba venues and across the city.