In Telangana’s Warangal district, police have cracked the case of a bank heist involving over ₹10 crore. Authorities have recovered stolen jewelry worth approximately ₹2 crore and arrested three suspects. According to the police, the robbery gang comprised seven members from Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. On the night of November 18, over 19 kilograms of gold jewelry, valued at more than ₹13 crore, were stolen from the SBI branch in Raiparthy, Warangal. The robbers also took the CCTV recorder with them, making it difficult to identify the culprits. To solve the case, police formed multiple teams and analyzed CCTV footage from nearby areas. Their thorough investigation ultimately led to the breakthrough and the arrest of the accused. The operation highlights the meticulous efforts of the police to track down the perpetrators of this high-profile robbery.