Magnus Carlsen claimed the rapid and blitz titles at the Tata Steel Chess India tournament on Sunday. The tournament saw hundreds of chess fans crowding the Dhono Dhanyo Auditorium in Kolkata. Many fans watched games on the stage by sitting on the stairs in the auditorium.
And not unexpectedly, Carlsen was mobbed by fans as he tried to leave the arena after his twin victories.
A clip by ChessBase India showed Carlsen trying to leave the auditorium late in the evening when suddenly there was a roar of the crowd as fans jostled to get closer to him and take a selfie. The world no 1 eventually did a U turn and walked back into the auditorium.
“It was definitely a fun experience to play (in Kolkata). It never really fit my schedule the last few years. But it’s really good to be back to play against these youngsters on Indian soil. I’m happy that I can still play well,” Carlsen said.
Another measure of how popular Carlsen is also came when Woman FIDE Master Bristy Mukherjee who won the All India Women Rapid event (Event B) at the Tata Steel Chess India Festival 2024 touched Carlsen’s feet on stage to seek his blessings during the closing ceremony.
#tsci2024 #TSCI #tatasteelchessindia #chess #indianchess #kolkata #womeninchess #chessmasters #chessfestival
— Tata Steel Chess India (@tschessindia) November 17, 2024
Bristy Mukherjee won the All India Women Rapid event (Event B) at the Tata Steel Chess India Festival 2024 with a 7/7 score.
When she was called to accept her trophy, she first touched the feet of Viswanathan Anand before making her way to Carlsen.
The 20-year-old then touched 33-year-old Carlsen’s feet as well, as the world no 1 blushed and grinned from ear to ear.